• "Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."

    Ziad K. Abdelnour

  • "Sometimes the smallest move can make the most surprising difference."

    Ann S. Masten

  • "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Oh, the places you'll go!"

    Dr. Suess


Etiam augue nisi, rhoncus sit amet metus vel, facilisis ultricies velit. Donec convallis ac mi ac viverra. Sed ultrices metus in magna commodo scelerisque. Morbi enim massa, efficitur a leo vitae, fringilla dapibus dui. Suspendisse bibendum dolor at vestibulum fringilla. Vestibulum tempor urna et sem hendrerit, in efficitur odio placerat. In a orci vitae ex auctor pulvinar vel sed nisi. Nullam sed semper mi, ac pharetra massa.

Quisque odio purus, venenatis eget ligula vel, venenatis porttitor quam. Cras blandit tincidunt augue nec pellentesque. Aliquam augue leo, pharetra sed lacinia ut, venenatis eu dolor. Aenean vitae quam a purus facilisis rutrum. Curabitur et ante dignissim, blandit nibh ac, luctus tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuCurae; Sed nec risus ante. Nullam ut sem et tellus tincidunt ultrices in non nisi. Ut tempus nunc ut urna sodales, sit amet semper nunc eleifend. gestas. Aenean mattis dapibus mauris, nec placerat felis volutpat et. Integer pulvinar blandit ligula sed faucibus. Phasellus quis eleifend lectus. Fusce malesuada lectus et eros


quiz question

Question 1

A psychoactive drug affects the central nervous system and alters your mood, thinking and behavior.

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quiz answer

Question 1

A psychoactive drug affects the central nervous system and alters your mood, thinking and behavior.


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    When we talk about a drug what are we exactly talking about?

    A drug is any substance that, when taken or administered into the body has a physiological effect (Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2018). ‘Psychoactive’ or ‘psychotropic’ drugs are substances from outside of the body that, when ingested, alter how you experience yourself and the world. This type of drug alters things like your mood, your perceptions, your thoughts and your behaviours (Alcohol and Drug Foundation, 2018).

    We can classify psychoactive drugs a variety of ways but one of the most common is to classify them according to the effect they have on the central nervous system or CNS. Your brain is the major part of the CNS and it is here where psychoactive drugs have their main effect.

    quiz question

    Question 2

    A depressant drug:

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    quiz answer

    Question 2

    A depressant drug:


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      So, let’s explore what a depressant drug is a little more. A depressant drug slows down the messages travelling between the brain and the body. It acts on the nerve cells of the brain disrupting communication between nerve cells and other cells of the body. It does this by altering the actions of two major neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemical messages, or neurotransmitters, enable nerve cells to talk to each other and to other cells in the body.

      When you use a depressant drug, such as alcohol, it suppresses the activities of certain nerve pathways and you can appear sluggish, lethargic and slow-moving.

      quiz question

      Question 3

      Polydrug use:

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      Question 3

      Polydrug use:


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        How did you go? Had you heard the term polydrug use before? Did you know what it meant?

        Any drug has the potential to cause harm but when drugs are combined there can be additional unpredictable consequences. For example, if you mix alcohol and cannabis you can experience nausea, vomiting, panic attacks, anxiety and paranoia. The caffeine found in energy drinks, when mixed with alcohol, can mask the depressant effects of the alcohol. You may feel more alert than you would otherwise and as a result, you may drink more alcohol and become more impaired than you realise.

        Polydrug use or mixing two or more drugs at the same time or near the same time, can increase your risk of harm.

        quiz question

        Question 4

        Cannabis is potentially less harmful for you to use than drugs that are made from chemicals because it comes from a plant.

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        quiz answer

        Question 4

        Cannabis is potentially less harmful for you to use than drugs that are made from chemicals because it comes from a plant.


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          So, what do you think? Did you choose False?

          All drug use comes with risks and can cause harm regardless of how it's made or where it comes from. So just because something comes from a plant doesn’t mean it's safe.

          quiz question

          Question 5

          Your drug use experience will always be the same and the same as anyone else who takes the same drug.

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          quiz answer

          Question 5

          Your drug use experience will always be the same and the same as anyone else who takes the same drug.


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            Your experience of using a drug may not always be the same – even with the same drug. And your drug experience may not be the same as the experience your friends will have with the same drug.

            The effects and the possible harms of using a drug will vary greatly depending on you, the drug you are using and the environment you are in when you take the drug. This is called the drug use experience.

            The strength, dose, how you took the drug, and how often you use it, can affect how long the drug stays in your system and the effects you will feel.

            What you experience can also be affected by you as an individual depending on your tolerance, age and gender, overall health, metabolism, mood, as well as the environment you took the drug in.

            Drugs affect every person differently and each drug use experience can be different.

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            quiz question

            Question 1

            Methamphetamine, or meth for short, is an amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS). Being a stimulant, meth speeds up the function of the brain and central nervous system or CNS producing feelings of increased alertness and reduced fatigue.

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            quiz answer

            Question 1

            So, how did you go? Did you choose the correct response? Did you know meth was a stimulant?

            The effects of taking meth can be felt within minutes if smoked or injected and the stimulant effects can last for up to 6-12 hrs. Meth can take up to 2-3 days to leave your body.


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              quiz question

              Question 2

              Meth is a man-made substance.

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              quiz answer

              Question 2

              Meth is a synthetic or man-made chemical substance created from mixing a variety of chemicals together including those used in cold and flu medications such as pseudo-ephedrine.

              It can come in three different forms.

              1. A powder or pills which is known as speed.
              2. A thick, oily substance called base.
              3. Crystals or coarse, crystal-like powder known as ice.

              Depending which form is used, meth can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected.


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                quiz question

                Question 3

                How does meth affect a person?

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                quiz answer

                Question 3

                Did you know meth could affect someone in all of these ways? Did one or two surprise you? 

                The important thing to remember is that drugs affect every person differently and because we are all unique, our drug use experience will be specific to each of us. 

                The strength, amount taken, how you took the drug, and how often you use it will all impact the effects you will feel. What you experience can also be affected by you as an individual depending on your metabolism, mood, the environment you are in, if you have taken any other drugs including legal drugs such as prescription drugs or alcohol, if you have used the drug much before (regular use can increase tolerance), your age and gender. 

                One of the key points to remember about meth is that like any other illicit or illegal drug, it’s often difficult to know exactly what chemicals are contained within the drug. This can increase the risks of harm and lead to unpredictable effects for the user. 


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                  quiz question

                  Question 4

                  Can meth cause psychosis?

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                  quiz answer

                  Question 4

                  So, what do you think? Did you choose ‘Yes’.

                  Meth-induced psychosis is possible. This psychosis may present as hallucinations, where you see or hear things that aren’t there or as delusions where you believe things that are not real.

                  Meth users experiencing psychosis can also feel overly suspicious and frightened.Sometimes this psychosis may lead to strange or difficult behavior which could include aggressive or violent outbursts. These symptoms usually disappear a few days after a person stops using meth but it can take some time for the brain to return to normal functioning


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                    quiz question

                    Question 5

                    It’s against the law in WA for anyone to drive under the influence of meth.

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                    quiz answer

                    Question 5

                    Did you choose the correct response?

                    In WA, it’s against the law for anyone to drive under the influence of an illicit drug including meth. The use of meth “can cause exaggerated feelings of confidence giving a false sense of driving ability, which may result in users taking greater risks and increase the risk of having a crash” (Drug Aware, n.d.).


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